What are Green Vending Machines
Green vending machines are fitted with power-efficient compressors and fan drives that are specifically developed for power saving purpose. Green vending machines regulate energy use by using a bunch of clever tricks and electronic devices like latches, detectors and smart lighting systems. These components, working together, turn the compressor and other power-heavy components off or put them in ultra-power saving mode when the products have reached a desired cooling temperature.
“People fail to understand that these machines continue to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when not required. A vending unit of medium size uses 7-14 kWh a day, with a mean cost of $400-450 to function per year,” explains Navdeep Tuteja, Founder and Director of SVA Vending, a trusted supplier of vending solutions in the Australian market. “Multiply that by the number of vending machines that you have and you’ll realise how much money you’re wasting to simply cool beverages in your facility”, he added.
An everyday vending machine operates 24 hours per day, seven days a week, and consumes close to 2,500 to 4,400 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power every year. A green vending machine can cut this power consumption by 24 to 76%.
Not to mention, by cutting on power usage, you’re, in a way, saving Planet Earth by reducing the amount of CO2 dispatched into the atmosphere–greenhouse effect.
Concisely, by choosing a Eco-Friendly, Energy Efficient Vending Machines, you’re:-
- save money,
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
- reduce your carbon footprint by wasting less energy
Upgrade your existing vending machine with an ENERGY STAR-Rated Machine
An Energy Star-rated vending machine utilises 40% less energy than a regular vending machine. A high-rated vending unit is fitted with high efficiency compressors, fan motors, and lighting components. That means they give the same output as any other vending machine, except at half the power consumption. If you think your vending machine is not star-rated, you should contact your vending machine supplier and ask him to upgrade you to a star-rated one.
Moreover, many vending operators are offering vending machines with Sustainable Refrigerants. These refrigerants produce less hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), which are known to be one the biggest sources of ozone depletion. Ask your vending operator if he incorporates such eco-friendly measures in its vending machines.
Other methods of energy savings:
Use Better Lighting:
The lights in a vending machine consume 150-180 watts. That makes around $100 every year. Multiply it by the number of vending machines that you have, and you’ll already be overspending on lightings. T8 lamps and electronic ballasts, although cost a bit more, limit energy use. Moreover, consider adding a timer to your vending units, and program them to cut lights in the machines at night, during holiday seasons, and on weekends when people are less likely to use vending machines.
Nonetheless, by disconnecting the lights when not required, can save you up to 35% on power bills. Without lights, your machine may look like non-operational, thus, put a signage that displays “Machine is operational”.
Alternately, you can choose a smart vending machine from SVA Vending that has in-built, smart power saving features. A smart vending machine from SVA can save you a lot on your power bills. Call 1300 411 902, for free demo.