Navdeep Tuteja, Founder and Director of SVA Vending
“Your jar can always be full with the right investment” – Navdeep Tuteja, Founder and Director of SVA Vending
“Welcome to SVA Vending. My name is Navdeep Tuteja and I am the founder of SVA Vending. Like many people, I spent most of my adult life as an employee. I remember in one of my jobs, my desk was next to the office vending machine. At first, the clanging sound of the coins and the loud drop of the cans annoyed me because I found it hard to focus on my reports. But the vending machine was a magnet to everyone. People used to hang out by the machine. People who worked in the same office but seldom talk with one another were converging and engaging in small talk. I was sitting right next to it, so naturally, they talked to me too! I worked out very quickly that I should have a jar of loose change on my desk because everyone would ask if I had any change. One of the salesmen in the office would give me his loose change. ‘For the office collection,’ he chuckled as he strolled off with his Coca Cola. My jar was always full. That was the inspiration for SVA Vending. Your jar can always be full of the right business investment.
I did all the hard yards to make my vending machine business a success. I read, researched and asked questions. I spent days wandering the streets and mapping out where every single machine was located. I made extensive notes of each machine, I stood by the machines and watched others use it. I spent a small fortune using them myself.
At the end of it, I went out and bought seven vending machines. It was a gamble. My wife refused to speak to me for a week. Fortunately, I made a 120% return on my first year. I was a success. My business grew to 10 machines, then 27 machines to what it is today – a large vending machine service with three offices in Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide.
I have secured a future for my family. I am happy and content with my success and want others to also have the lifestyle that I can afford. That is why I have started franchising my business. I hope you will join me on this exciting journey as we expand the SVA brand throughout Australia.